November 16, 2023
Employees of First Community Bank extended their support to the White River Health System Foundation's breast cancer awareness campaign, "Paint the Town Pink," throughout October.
"At First Community Bank, we are deeply committed to making a positive impact. In solidarity with those touched by breast cancer, including our friends, family, customers, and community members, we extend our unwavering support," stated Boris Dover, president and chief operating officer at First Community Bank. "This year, the collective efforts of our employees generated $6,190, a sum mirrored by First Community Bank, culminating in a significant $12,380 donation to the hospital foundation. Together, let's champion causes that matter."
The First Community Bank “Paint the Town Pink” committee is comprised of the following employees: Justin Taylor, Carrie Price, Pat Rutherford, Danita High, Misty White, Andrew Lane, Paige Presser, Nyra Jenkins, Caitlyn Guzman, Kaisha Gott, Jennifer Jimenez, and Nancy Elam.
Apart from individual contributions, the committee organized various events during October, including Blue Jean Fridays, soup and chili sales, a pie-your-manager fundraiser, and hot dog sack lunch sales.